Guest lecture on academic writing(Kapodistrian University of Athens)

This is the third year in a row that I have been invited to give a guest lecture on academic writing at Department of History and Archaeology (Renaissance sector) in the Kapodistrian University of Athens. Again, with the MA students, we discussed what academic writing is, its main features and covnentions. We also spent time on critical reading and its importance as well as critical writing. We went through ways of synthesising sources in our paragraphs and structuring strong arguments in order to convince our readers. The students posed interesting questions during the lecture/workshop on the difficulties of choosing adequate and reliable sources as well as on the ways we can make use of when critically analysing our sources in order to support concrete arguments. It was a pleasant evening and I was honored to talk to them. Many thanks to Dr Ianthi Assimakopoulou for inviting me every year.
